Bangor Chinese School (BCS) School Policy


Updated on October 2019


Students shall comply with the following school rules:


Do not pull fire alarm or open emergency exit door if there is not an emergency.  The parents will pay the fine whenever emergency call or fire truck service is requested and there is not an emergency.

Comply with general moral standards and school rules of public and private schools in the UK. This includes but not limited to the following:

2.1.      Take a good care of school property. Do not write on the desk, wall, or floor.


2.2.      Do not move or take school properties in the classroom(s); Do not damage public property.


2.3.      Do not fight or quarrel with others in the School. Respect teachers and other school staff.


2.4.      Report to parents or school staff immediately if an injury occurs.


The liability insurance purchased by the School only covers students and does not include coverage for the parents. Parents should purchase their own insurance accordingly.



If a severe damage occurs and/or Chinese school gets complains that we rent space from (the “Rental place”), the parents will reimburse the School for the fines that the School have to pay.


Students and members of the School are responsible for their personal items. The School is not responsible for any loss and damage of such personal items.


 Parents shall comply with the following school rules:


Pay for any item damaged by my kids for fines that incurred by my kids and my own violations of School Rules.

Parents are not allowed to sit in the classrooms during class time except those auditing the class.

Parents shall tell their kids to follow all school rules.

Do not make loud noises in the hallway when class is in session.

Leave Rental School within 30 minutes after class is over, unless special permission by the principal or school committee.





















2.1. 爱护学校公共财产,不随便在桌子上,墙上,地上乱画乱写。


2.2. 不乱动教室里的东西或做其它损坏公物的事。


2.3. 不打人,不骂人,尊重老师,家长和学校管理人员。


2.4. 若发现有人受伤,立即报告学校老师,校长或家长会成员。学校买的伤害保险只对学生负责,不包括家长在学校校园内的运动伤害。请家长酌情自己购买保险。

























3.不得玩或拉报警器, 违反者将酌情处分。








7.按时完成老师布置的家庭作业。参加测验, 期中和期末考试。


8.保持学校环境清洁, 不随地扔纸张或其他杂物。





 一、 家长的支持与合作是办好中文学校的基础。家长们应该关心学校,爱护学校,协助学校做好各项工作。




二、 关心自己孩子在学习上的进步和困难,从正面引导孩子学习中文的兴趣。经常和老师进行交流,鼓励和帮助孩子学好中文。




三、 督促和帮助自己的孩子履行学生守则。在行为上为孩子做出榜样,协助学校执行规章制度。




四、 服从学校的分班和教室的安排,任何意见与要求,请和校方协商。




五、 学生上课时,未经老师允许,家长不能进入教室,亦不能拥挤在门口或在走廊上大声喧哗,以免影响老师上课。




六、 放学回家后,要及时了解学生的作业情况,老师的要求和学校的通知,并积极配合、督促孩子完成老师和学校布置的任务。




七、 积极参与学校活动,随时向学校提出有关意见和建议。